It's that time of the year where groups and companies should start their financial reporting valuation to be on time for the end of the financial year.
A high standard financial valuation can be complex:
It needs to match the accountant's needs with precise and transparent inputs usable to facilitate their financial reporting.
It needs to match the accountant's preferred approach to avoid internal confusion and disrupt their reporting system.
It needs to match the auditors' requirements that generally fit the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) unless they use another reporting standard. The two most important aspect are proper value definition being Fair Value instead of Market Value and using the income approach. The difference between fair and market value is subtle but essential.
The report must be clear, logical, and accessible, showing all relevant data to conclude. It avoids confusion and questionings and provides understanding, trust and time saving to all.
Lastly, the valuer must answer any questioning from the client, the auditors and any third parties, including the shareholders.
Not to forget that the valuer should provide the above added to all other aspects of a classical report.
